
This Joomla! template supports a wide variety of module positions which can be archived automatically by the system.The module positions are fully collapsible mean that if there are no modules published in particular position, this module position will disappear and the other modules with take this place. Also you can have 2-Columns layout (content, left or right)

Layout 1

[lightbox src="/images/Position_SJ_iMag_v1.jpg" width="800" height="auto" lightbox="on" style="border" title="Images Position Layout 1" align="none"]

Layout 2

[lightbox src="/images/Position_SJ_iMag_v2.jpg" width="800" height="auto" lightbox="on" style="border" title="Images Position Layout 2" align="none"]

Layout 3

[lightbox src="/images/Position_SJ_iMag_v3.jpg" width="800" height="auto" lightbox="on" style="border" title="Images Position Layout 3" align="none"]





Aux Ulis faire (re) vivre la démocratie participative, développer le partenariat Associations et Institutions c'est un des objectifs de l'UAU.....

Vous trouverez l'agenda des associations des Ulis et environs, l'annauire des associations des Ulis et du Nord Ouest Essonne,
- les événements des associations des Ulis et environs, les événements municiapux des Ulis concernant les associations,
- des conseils pour les associations